Meet the Adjucor Team

A Multidisciplinary Collaboration of Experts

A Multidisciplinary Approach

The AdjuCor Team

AdjuCor assembles a team of highly qualified professionals across various disciplines to address advanced heart failure. This team comprises experienced medical professionals, scientific researchers, engineers, and business leaders. By working collaboratively, they strive to develop and deliver innovative solutions like reBEAT. Each member contributes a unique set of skills and knowledge, fostering a dynamic and collaborative environment that advances the field of heart failure treatment.


+ 40 Development, Manufacturing, Clinical and Support staff covering all required expertises

Prof. Dr. Stephen Wildhirt

Prof. Dr. Stephen Wildhirt

Chief executive and medical officer, Co-founder
Cardiac surgeon with >20 years' experience in HF treatment and transplantation
Dr. Andreas Maier

Dr. Andreas Maier

Expert in cardiovascular devices design and manufacturing
Dr. Johannes Clauss

Dr. Johannes Clauss

Chief Operations and Technology Officer​
>15 years' experience in medical devices
Dr. Hamman de Vaal

Dr. Hamman de Vaal

Senior Commercial and Clinical Advisor
Expert in sales & marketing, clinical affairs lead

Clinical Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Arjang Ruhparwar

Prof. Dr. Arjang Ruhparwar

Chairman, Department of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery
PD Dr. Bastian Schmack

PD Dr. Bastian Schmack

Chief Senior Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Associate Professor

PD. Dr. Jasmin Hanke

Surgeon, Department of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schueler

Prof. Dr. Stephan Schueler

Dr. Henning Pauli

Dr. Adam McDiarmid

Dr. Adam McDiarmid

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stock

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stock

Join our dynamic team

We are always on the lookout for specialists in the fields of mechanical, electrical, software and biomedical engineering, as well as biotechnology and clinical affairs fields to join our team. Come and create the next revolution in heart failure treatment with us!

If you did not find your skill-set and/or experience here, but are highly-motivated, skilled and passionate about cutting-edge medical devices, then please contact us:


Firmware-Developer C++


Software-Developer C#


Working Student Product Management